What's Your Top-3 Sleep Issues?

What's Your Top-3 Sleep Issues?

It’s New Year!!!... and lots of us will be thinking about those New Year Resolutions we have made for ourselves.

But… was getting better sleep on the list?

If not, here are the top 3 issues facing everyone in the developed world. I would have like to have just said ‘the world’, but there appears to be a lack of research on sleep issues in the developing world.

Number 2 should be particularly interesting to those of us with sleep apnea…

For the record, there are NO affiliate links here… just pointers, if you need them.


Number 3 (coz these things are apparently done in reverse order):

Poor Sleep Environment

Your sleep space might not be pulling its weight. A noisy, cluttered, or uncomfortable bedroom can really mess up your sleep cycle. Think about things like temperature, lighting, and even your mattress quality. That neighbour’s dog barking at midnight may not be helping either.

The room itself should be cool. Not cold (unless that’s your particular preference) but cool. Around 16 to 18°C seems to hit the spot for most peeps. If you have a few grand to throw around, there are heat adjusting mattress covers available, such as those by Eight Sleep.

Keeping it dark… so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face… also helps your mind recognise it’s time to switch off and let your brain take over the recovery process.

If noise is a factor… in that you need some… a white noise machine, such as those at Lumisleep, could be right for you.

For the dark part, good quality blackout curtains and/or blinds will do the trick. No pointers here as these should be pretty easy to source.


Number 2:

Underlying Medical Issues

Health problems like sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome or even chronic pain can sabotage your sleep without you even realising.

Sleep apnea, in particular, disrupts breathing and… in the short-term… can lead to fragmented sleep all night long. Long-term issues are even more of a problem. If you think this is an issue for you and are currently undiagnosed… a trip to your doctor is probably a good resolution to have at the top of your list.

Other issues like hormonal changes or certain medications might also throw off your sleep game.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can has been proven to help regulate your body’s natural rhythms. As has keeping to a regular sleep cycle… which means waking-up at the same time on weekends as you would during the working week.

If sleep apnea is a known issue, having kit you can sleep comfortably with will make all the difference. This could be changing your mask for a new one or even a different model that fits your face-shape better. For a bit more comfort from mask-straps, our own Stag’s Head strap cover is a proven winner.


And at Number 1:

Stress and Anxiety

Despite all the happy vibes going around, Christmas and New Year are blamed for a host of relationship issues.

These, and all those other stresses we experience in daily life, can stay with us in the form of whirlwind thoughts the second our head hits the pillow.

Routine is key when prepping for a good nights kip.

Having a habit of doing something… anything… to help get your mind into a relaxed place will make all the difference.

This could mean developing an interest in meditation or listening to something soothing such relaxing music or maybe an audio book.

Real books still have a place too. Although the blue-light claims appear to have been debunked, there has been evidence found to suggest reading a real book can help calm the mind in ways an e-book cannot. Something to do with turning pages, apparently.

Finally, there will often be strange thoughts jumping into your mind just as your expecting the brain to switch off. Having a pen and paper handy at the side of your bed will help get them out of your mind… knowing they aren’t lost forever.


And that’s it!

The top 3 issues causing most of us the have problems nodding off.

Let me know if any of these help you get some extra Zs by emailing me at alan@crackingsleep.net




P.S. I have taken to creating various bits on sleep and sleep apnea. If you would enjoy hearing more and find out where else you can find stuff like this, you can get my weekly Triple Whammy email, which has 3 short topics each week. Some written or recorded by me and others I’ve found out there in the strange world we live in.

If this is you, sign up here and you will get the very next one.


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