At Cracking Sleep we are dedicated to helping people with sleep apnea get a better night's sleep without the nasty side effects.

After all, we know how frustrating it can be to wake up feeling tired, groggy and irritable.

Ignited from a genuine itch experienced when my own CPAP headgear straps left what can only be described as tank-tracks pressed into my face, we designed our first product: The Stag’s Head.

When testing the Stag’s Head prototypes, some great people in the CPAP community volunteered to try it out. Their feedback honed it to be what it is today. However, we are not finished there. Seeing how much the Stag’s Head helped others in the sleep apnea community, we are invigorated to keep that pipeline of help open.

That's why we aim to offer a range of solutions that are safe, effective and affordable. Whether you need a CPAP machine, a Bi-PAP appliance, a lifestyle change or a combination of these and others, we are here to guide you through the options and support you along the way.

Our mission is to make sleep apnea comfortable for those of us who need this vital therapy, so you can enjoy a brighter and happier future.

Join us today, after all… You deserve a Cracking Sleep!